
Our tips for working from home

With everyone being encouraged to work from home where possible, we have outlined our top five tips we’ve come across and adopted for our days at work. Being in a position where you can work from home is brilliant at this time and getting your work done is important for your business. Staying healthy both mentally and physically is important for you. The tips below are what we have outlined for you to be able to get the best out of your days working from home and to remain with a healthy mind.

1.Get Dressed:

Would you believe it, something so small as getting dressed has made the list. As tempting as it is to sit in your pyjamas all day, getting washed and dressed to start your day will psychologically gear you up to be productive with your work. Ensuring you do this can have much more of an impact than you ever thought was possible.

2. Find the best work space:

Working from home can be tough as you are more prone to distractions. If there’s other people in the house, set boundaries (if possible). Set the times you can be approached and the times where you need to get your head down and work. Dedicate an office space and surround yourself with inspiration to work hard.

Ensure your home has a work free zone, none of us want to feel like the place where we work is the place we spend relaxing. Maintaining this divide can be crucial to keep a healthy work life balance.

3.Keep your routine:

Humans are creatures of habit. Having a routine is vital, whether its setting your alarm for the same time each day, going to bed at the same time to ensure you have a good nights rest or taking your lunch break at the same time you normally would at work.  Routines help us mentally and physically prepare for something. Keeping your routine the same even if you don’t physically go to work will help you gear up for the day ahead. Make the most of what would have been your commuting time and spend this doing something that will set you up to have a positive mindset instead and make this a new part of your routine for the time being.


4.Pick up the phone:

Working from home can be isolating, especially if you live alone. Where appropriate, instead of emails why not pick up the phone to a work colleague, client or customer to discuss the matter. You can always follow this up with an email detailing the topics covered in the call, but you’ve been able to have some interaction with others and they will probably benefit from this too.


5. Take regular breaks:

Finally, you shouldn’t spend all your day glued to your screens and It’s been said to be more beneficial to take short breaks throughout your working day. If it’s safe to do so, why not sit in your garden or take a short walk adhering to the government’s guidelines. Just like any working environment, giving yourself breaks is incredibly important to let your brain and body relax and keep your mind fresh.