Men in White Overalls – be afraid!
When I returned from my travels, I was lead into a false sense of security by the tropical climate that we had in April. True to form the English weather did not disappoint – this week up on the top of Cragg Vale has been windy!!
Thankfully I am sat inside with a nice cup of tea and a central heating system while the “men” have been out working hard.
Windy Weather
After threats were made I unfortunately left my steel cap boots at home and let everyone else put on the white overalls and work in the rain! This week it was a huge team effort (bar me!) to remove the entire roof from one of the units. This was done with some professional help to ensure all of the old material was correctly disposed of. Fair play to everyone who got out in the wind and the rain it was a dirty job but someone had to do it!
In other news this week, we are meeting the marketing company tomorrow to discuss finalising the logos and names for the various businesses so I’m really excited to see what they have come up with!
We are currently in the process of establishing websites for the business park and once established the blog will be moving to there but in the mean time I would love to hear any questions or opinions you all have on the future development of this place!
Jessica x